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Mother Briefs: Epicenter of Great Strategic Planning


Lynette Zanders, CEO of Wild Alchemy, led a dynamic session on strategic planning and market analysis for 2024, emphasizing the critical role of documented marketing plans for organizational success. Through her insights and career experiences, Lynette showcased essential strategies for modern marketing: 1. Importance of Documented Strategies: Highlighted the need for clear, written marketing plans to ensure alignment and effectiveness across teams. 2. Strategic Frameworks: Introduced the "Lions, Horses, and Dogs" framework for prioritization, advocated for psychographics over demographics for targeting, and stressed the significance of concise, impactful briefs in creative strategy. 3. Actionable Guidance: Provided practical advice for crafting effective marketing strategies, achieving team alignment, and enhancing strategic focus and market presence. Lynette’s session offered a blend of theoretical insights and actionable tools, aimed at empowering attendees to refine their strategic approaches and drive their organizations forward with clarity and purpose.

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